Transforming Lives Through the Truth of God's Word
WZEZ 104.9 Thought of the Day listeners, click here
Listen to a greeting from Pastor McConnell. Click here
Sermon Message: 1/26/2025
The Only Question that Matters - John 3:22-30
Click here to listen to this message
Sermon Message: 2/2/2025
Jesus - The Man from Above - John 3:31-36
Fighter Verse of the Week:
And I, when I cam to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
1 Corinthians 2:1-2

A 10 week seminar taught by Pastor McConnell
Two thousand years ago before Jesus left for heaven, he promised his followers that he would someday return to judge the world and reign upon the earth. While he said that no one but God knows the day and hour of his return, Jesus did tell us that there are signs that we can look for that indicate that his coming is near.
In this seminar we considered what the Bible teaches about the events leading up to Jesus' return and also specific topics that affect us today such as: 1. The breakdown of law and order; 2. The move towards global government; 3. the rise of a world leader the Bible calls the Antichrist; 4. The increase of false religion; 5. The final battle at Christ's return.
If you are wondering what is happening in our country and where the world is heading, the Bible will help you make sense of it all.
Audio recordings of this seminar:
History, Its Meaning and Goal - Daniel 2
Apostasy - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Matthew 24:10
A View from Heaven - Revelation 5
Breaking the Seven Seals - Revelation 6, 7
The Seven Trumpets - Revelation 8, 9
The Temple and the Two Witnesses - Revelation 11, 12
The Rise of the Antichrist - Revelation 13
The Wrath of God and the Return of Christ - Revelation 14-19
Service of Worship: Sunday's 9:30 a.m.
Services at the Grantsburg Middle School, 500 East James Avenue, Grantsburg, WI
Our Invitation:
We welcome you to join us as we seek to glorify God by finding our joy in Christ. To help believers grow in their faith we offer the following to those who come:
- Verse by verse expository preaching of God's Word.
- God-centered Sunday School curriculum for all ages.
- Training in apologetic s and evangelism.
- Home Bible studies for learning and fellowship.
- Youth Group and Confirmation for Jr. High and High School students.
- Skill development in Bible study and interpretation.
- Small group prayer for support and care.
- Ministry opportunities for joy and growth.
Living Hope services meets Sunday mornings at 500 East James Avenue (Grantsburg Middle School), Grantsburg, Wisconsin
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